46TH Raising Day  Prepak(PROGRESSIVE)

46TH Raising Day Prepak(PROGRESSIVE)



Kangleichas Are Impoverished By the Loktak Project
Loktak Project Subjugates Manipur Socioeconomically
Ithai Dam Causes Food Insufficiency
Ref: 04/CM-2022:Kangla 9.10.2022

Today, the 9th October 2022 is the 46th Raising Day of the Red Army of PREPAK
(Progressive) and on this historic occasion, I would like to pay my tribute to salute all the
martyrs who had sacrificed their lives in the course of liberation movements and also
extend my greetings and good wishes to all Kangleichas and the fraternal revolutionary
organizations. Some of my views and thinking are expressed on this auspicious day.
We did not start the liberation struggle for the lack of economic development, we as
armed insurgents have nothing to say and fret about the paucity of India’s
developmental activities in Manipur. We neither demanded the rollback of such
activities as well. However, it is important to know India’s deceitful economic and
subduing policies which show their intention to perpetuate the colonization of Manipur.
As the adage goes “The first impression is the last impression”, the events such as the
Annexation in 1949, the humiliation of constitutional monarchy with demoted Part-C
state, swift repeal of the Permit System, and utilization of teensy development funds of
about Rs.1 Crore in the First Five Year Plan (1951-56) illustrate the premeditated India’s
anti-Manipuri mind-sets. But most importantly, I must say that their arrogant and
expansionist policies had ignited the anti-India armed struggle.
Over the course of 28 years from 1951 to 1974 and 1980 to 1985, India had allowed
Manipur to utilise around Rs.301 crores from the plan outlay. It is ludicrous that the
cumulative development fund over the period of 28 years was below the yearly
monetary loss of about Rs.400 crore in terms of agricultural products due to the
submergence of arable fertile lands induced by the Loktak project.

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Even during British rule, it was estimated that Manipur’s yearly agricultural surplus was
around 25%. However, since the Ithai barrage inundated around 80000 hectares of
fertile arable land, Manipur has been surviving on food import. In the past, Moirang
and its surrounding villages was a prosperous region with a rich culture; however, the
project has been contributing to endless economic hardships. The Loktak project,
which began in 1971 just before Manipur was granted illusionary statehood, was
designed with a false promise to give every household electrical power. In the real
sense this project aimed to earn huge profits for the Centre at the expense of
Manipur. It was hastily implemented while there was no responsible government to
participate in the initial decision-making process which ultimately neglected the Socio-
economic costs. Still, the state government could not say anything, let alone
decommissioning it. In the name of development, it is certain that Delhi agents had
started the dependency strategy ahead of time.
After the end of Second World War and post British colonial period, the geopolitical
and geo-economics position of Manipur was somewhat in turmoil. Exploiting the
situation, the Indian government colonized Manipur in 1949. Imitating the British’s
policy of divisive Hills and Plain administration, India intentionally misinterpreted the
hills insurgency’s anger as against the Meeteis by introducing the polarising clauses in
Article 371-C. This is nothing but to reverse our aged old assimilated history as to align
the unrealistic ‘Unity in Diversity’ which is the Idea of India. Yet, there are
apprehensions among the Meeteis when it comes to the search for the Naga
insurgency solution. Following the illegal dissolution of the elected people’s
government of 1948, Delhi inducted Manipur as their political playground and
vigorously implemented their neo-colonialist policies in 1949-1971. These twenty-two
years is the darkest period, during which the colonial seed of India was planted.
North East Council (NEC) was founded in 1971 to promote the balanced development
of socio-economic conditions in the North-eastern region. The council was placed
under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) with state governors as the only
members. Later, it was upgraded to M-DONOR but remained under the purview of
MoHA. An eccentric system of securitization of development was implemented freely
while state governments were side-lined. Since 1949, Manipur has not been a civil
state, but a militarized state. In any militarized state, an armed revolution occurs
naturally. It is absurd to set up a choice between development and insurgency by
putting the cart before the horse.

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The art of lying is essential for becoming an elected Indian leader as one must be able
to convince the common people through fudging election manifestos.

Plato andSocrates once said that a perfect and ideal administration requires a “Noble Lie.” This
noble lie is followed illogically by the Indian leaders. Based on the rhetoric of self-
reliance, the ‘Atmanirbhar’ policy commends Khadi cloth as nationalistic item whose
wearing was once seen as a symbol that compelled the British to retreat from
India. However, it is irony that the almost all of the Indian ‘Tiranga’ flags, hoisted
recently at every Indian house, were mostly made from Chinese polyester clothes.
It was almost a debacle trying to establish a Socialist Republic of India using mixed and
planned economic policies for forty years between 1951 and 1991. These periods
created a wealthy class of politicians and bureaucrats, while the destitute classes were
expanded. As a result, Nehru’s popular phrase “the tryst with destiny” became “the
tryst with desolation”. In 1991, India greeted with rousing fanfare the Western
colonialist recycled Neoliberal Economic Policy. Under this neoliberal policy, several
profitable and public good units were handed over to a few wealthy Indians. India has
become a Crony Capitalist nation under the thumb of ruling elite politicians and
wealthy people. It is now ranked at the 9th position in the index of crony-capitalism in
the world.
India follows the the trickle-down economic policy which is nothing but to leave the
vast majority poor Indian at the mercy of few wealthy classes. Under this policy, the
construction of roads and bridges, the exploration of natural resources and railway
services are all privatized. The Constitutional Declaration of India as the Socialist
Democratic Republic is undeniable proof that India ridicules the Idea of India. Despite
the promises of a few deceptive socialist programs under the election agenda, India is
now becoming an Oligarchy.
During the pandemic, Indian billionaires doubled their wealth to Rs. 57.3 lakh
crore. Eleven Indian billionaires amassed enough wealth amid pandemic which can
cover the health budget or MGNREGA for 10 years. China has made a significant
contribution to alleviating poverty around the world, while India has raised poverty
levels by 57% in the last two years. Paradoxically, forty Indian billionaires were listed in
World Billionaires Club during the second wave of Pandemic while the crematoriums
were overcrowded with death bodies. Several allegations are coming out that Covid-19
is not a pandemic but rather a “Plandemic” designed to earn huge profits by global
pharma mafias, including India.

Wealthy people are turning the education system into a commodity to earn more
profits. So-called education systems dominate the teaching responsibilities of family
elders regarding traditional values, disciplines, and social values.

The surge of drug addiction among the youths is due to the lack of coordination between the family and school education system.
Manipur State Assembly condemned the controversial “The Merger Agreement” on 28
September 1949; we also continue to condemn it; there were public resolutions calling
it an “Illegal Merger Agreement” in 1993 and 1996. On 29 October 2019, one group
namely ‘the Manipur State Council’ also declared Manipur’s independence before the
international media in London. These condemnations and declarations offer profound
insights into the true nature of Manipur-India relations. The so-called elected
representative must extrapolate the root causes of this seventy-three years old
political conflict. Celebration of surrender drama and bragging about the disappearing
number of Anti-Indian people are all the reflections of the voices of the delusional
Delhi-nightmare induced leaders.
Before it becomes too late for the legislative assembly to become a gossip mill, it must
serve as a democratic temple to discourse on resolving the chronic socio-political
problems created by India, the induced food dependence projects, and the erroneous
education system that needs to be corrected. Lastly, my appeal to the Kangleichas is
not to fall prey to the seemingly beneficial but illusory policies of the government.


(Longjam Paliba M)
PREPAK (Progressive)



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