A press release by the People Liberation Army PLA on 29th November.

A press release by the People Liberation Army PLA on 29th November.

On November 26, 2023, a statement surfaced with a letterhead bearing the name ‘OFFICE OF THE KUKI NATIONAL ORGANISATION GOVERNMENT OF KUKI STATE: The statement, dated November 22, claimed that near BP-95 in Manipur, specifically in Tanan (Thanan), Myanmar, where the Shan clan predominantly resides, KNA-B, using the name PDF-Myanmar, asserted an attack and destruction of the camps of UNLF and PLA. However, the statement was declared as fabricated and baseless, as the PLA had no record of such an incident. This seems to be a clear indication that to console their foster master, the Indian Army.
An additional noteworthy point is the use of a term commonly employed by Indian politicians and the Indian Army, namely ‘Valley-Base Insurgent Group (VBIG), which was precisely copied in this context.
Whenever the Indian Army needs to approach or cross the boundary of Manipur (or, more broadly, India) for Counter Insurgency (CI) programs, the Kuki National Organization/Kuki National Army (KNO/KNA), a group engaged in a tripartite Suspension of Operation (SOO) with India, employs a strategy of adding the suffix ‘B-Burma’ and an incarnation to KNA-B. This tactic is used as a tool and initiated to function as a proxy force in what seems like a proxy war. The incarnation is implemented to safeguard against potential pressure from Myanmar in response to the crossing into Myanmar by the SoO signatory KNA. The Indian Army has been utilizing KNO/KNA for discreet CI operations in Manipur and Myanmar whenever the need arises.
While launching an attack with sophisticated weapons on Tanan village, approximately 100 individuals claiming to be part of KNA-B, using the name PDF, unleashed a heavy volley of gunshots. As a result, most of the villagers evacuated their homes. Unfortunately, a few residents who were unable to escape faced severe torture and were killed. Additionally, some houses were set ablaze. The attackers looted empty houses, taking valuable gold and ornaments. It was reported that the KNA-B also seized all the motorcycles in the village.
During the occupation of the village by KNA-B, lasting approximately two to three days, the Myanmar Army initiated bombings in the area using helicopters. Subsequently, the KNA abandoned the village. The bombings resulted in numerous casualties and injuries, with many individuals managing to cross the border for treatment in Saibol and Ril Ram Centre, where the 20 Assam Rifles have their company commands. Following this, the Indian Army transported and treated the victims in the Military hospitals in Manipur.
Occupying the village for about two to three days, KNA-B claimed that the Shan village belonged to the Kuki community and due to the Myanmar Army’s bombing, the innocent Kuki villagers were forced to abandon the village. This is the most ridiculous part.
The most important thing of all this is the Kuki people who were the indigenous residents of Myanmar and Manipur have a high time to think deeply, if KNA-B, keeps continuously interfering with the livelihood of the Kuki’s of Myanmar and Manipur, what may happen to their future. The Kuki’s of this region should remember one important thing is that, if the fate and future of Kuki’s of this region have to be decided by the Indian Army through KNA-B would be the most unfortunate one.

Meiteilon version:
Houkhiba November 22 da Manipur ga Myanmar ga tainba, BP 95 ki mapa aduwaida leiba Myanmar gi Tanan (Thanan) haiba Shan furup ki khun amada PDF ki ming sijinaraga KNA-B haiba amana attact touduna UNLF amasu PLA gi camp thugaikhre haiduna 26 November 2023 da ‘OFFICE OF THE KUKI NATIONAL ORGANISATION GOVERNMENT OF KUKI STATE’ haiba letter head amada pao ama thadorakliba adu yumfam yaodaba semjin- sajinba paoni, PLA da asigumba thoudok thokpa leite. Makhoibu yokliba Indian Army sing haraonaba haijinba paoni. Hairiba cherol aduda Valley-Base Insurgent Group (VBIG) haina sijinariba wahei asi Indian politician amasung India Army singna sijinaba wahei adumak copy touduna sijinaribani.
Indian Army na India gi ngamkhei sokna nattraga lanna Counter Insurgency (CI) program ama changsinningba matamda Kuki National Organization/Kuki National Army (KNO/KNA) hairiba India amasung Manipur leingak yaona Suspension of Operation (SOO) tounaduna leiriba lup (group) asida ‘B-Burma’ napsinduna anouba KNA-B haiba Sayol ama pokpiduna Indian Army na makhoigi khutlai oina proxy war gidamak proxy lanmee oina sijinnabani. Sayol asin Soo chatnariba KNA na, Myanmar lanna changsinlakpada Myanmar leingakna pressure pirakpa yabadagi ngakthoknanabani. Asumna KNO/KNA asi India Army na Manipur da CI program singda amasung Myanmar leibakta aronba thabak touhanningba matamda sijinaduna lak-e.
PDF ki mingda KNA-B ni haiba khutlai afaba paiba meeoi 100 mukna Tanan hairiba khungang asida nongmei kapsillaktuna landarakpadagi khunja ayamba mayum thadoktuna chennakhi, chenba ngamhoudaba meeoi kharabuna tamthina ot-neiduna hatkhi, yum khara mei thakhi. Mee chenkhraba imung singda changduna leiramba sana-lupa maru oiba potlam kaya huranduna pukhi. KNA ni haiba sing aduna khun asida leiramba motorcyle punakhi hairi. KNA-B ni haiba sing aduna na numit nini/humni khun asi paisinduna leirakpadagi, Myanmar Army gi helicopter dagi bomb thadrakpadagi KNA-B ni hairibaing adu khun thadoktuna chennakhibani. Bomb thadaba aduda meesi-meena kaya yaokhi, asokpasing adu Manipur ngamkheida Saibol amadi Ril Ram Centre nachingba 20 Assam Rifles ki company command singda layengkhi. Makhatabadi India Army gi chopper na puduna Manipur da leiba India Army gi Military hospital da layengkhibani.
Aduga yamna nokningba amana, PDF ki mingda KNA-B ni hairiba sing aduna numit nini/humnikhak paisinduna thamluba Shan gi khun adu, Kuki khunda Myanmar lanmee na bomb thadarakpadagi meecham sing chennakhre hairakli.
Pumnamak asida khwaidagi maru oiriba wafamdi PDF ki marumda KNA-B ni hairibasing asina chathrakliba thouong asida Myanmar da meihourol dagi khundaraklaba Kuki sing gi maraibak asi kari oirakpa yabage haibasi khanthaba matam yourabani. Myanmar gi Kuki singgi maraibak asi KNA-B gi mingda Indian Army na leplakpa haibasi Myanmar Kuki sing gi khwaidagi laibakthiningai gi masakni haibasi khangjinba mathou tagani.



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